Aug. 13
Aug. 14
Aug. 15
Aug. 16
Aug. 17
Aug. 18
Aug. 19
Aug. 20
Aug. 21
Aug. 22
Aug. 23
Aug. 24
Aug. 25
Aug. 26
Aug. 27
Los Angeles
Aug. 27
Aug. 28 - Airport
Aug. 28 - O.B. Clark's
Aug. 29
Aug. 31
Sep. 5
Sep. 17
Sep. 26
Sep. 27
Oct. 3
Oct. 12
Nov. 7 - Nealy's Baptism


Today at approximately 4pm (3am CDT), we became parents! We instantly fell in love with Nealy, and I am not an expert but I think she fell in love right back. The books on International Adoption all say "it is a good thing if the baby cries when you first get her". It means that she has attached once already and it will be easier to form a new attachment. I wonder what the books say about the new family that gets almost immediate smiles from their new daughter, followed by laughter and eye contact. I think the only word to describe it is "Blessed"! This pretty much sums up todays events.

Our accomplishments today include...
We know that tomorrow is a new day and that Nealy may wake up and realize that we just completely changed everything that she knows and is used to, but today we are in absolute bliss!
Sweet dreams, Nealy!